Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Price : $10.99

Product Description

From the acclaimed director of American Movie, this portrait of radical thinker Michael Ruppert explores his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.
  • Starring: Michael Ruppert
  • Directed by: Chris Smith
  • Runtime: 1 hour 21 minutes
  • Release year: 2009
  • Studio: FilmBuff

Product Details

  • Synopsis: From the acclaimed director of American Movie, this portrait of radical thinker Michael Ruppert explores his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.
  • Starring: Michael Ruppert
  • Directed by: Chris Smith
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 1 hour 21 minutes
  • Release year: 2009
  • Studio: FilmBuff
  • ASIN: B0040IO4LY (Rental) and B0040IUMR4 (Purchase)
  • Rights ; Requirements
  • Rental rights: 3 day viewing period Details
  • Purchase rights: Stream instantly and download to 2 locations. Details
  • Compatible with: Mac and Windows PC online viewing, compatible instant streaming devices, TiVo DVRs. System requirements
  • Format: Amazon Instant Video (streaming online video and digital download)
  • Also available on DVD
  • Collapse DVD ~ Michael Ruppert

    3.8 out of 5 stars(156) $9.99
  • Theatrical Release Information
  • US Theatrical Release Date: November 06, 2009
  • Production Company: Bluemark Productions

Technical Details

  • US Theatrical Release Date: November 06, 2009
  • Production Company: Bluemark Productions




Customer Reviews

To understand the depth of emotion in Michael Ruppert's fascinating argument is to understand his personal evolution. Ruppert was born in Washington, D.C., the son of an Air Force officer and an later aerospace executive. Ruppert's mother was a cryptographer for Army Intelligence at Fort Myer, VA, during the Second World War. In addition, his father's cousins were employed by, and retired from, the Central Intelligence Agency.
Ruppert was a hopeful idealist and raised as a Republican. He excelled in his studies at UCLA (receiving honors in political science), interned for Chief Edward Davis of the Los Angeles Police Department, and eventually became a highly decorated LAPD officer.
Ruppert had all the makings of helpful cog in the wheel of the status quo.
Only later, as a narcotics officer, did Ruppert's journey lead him on a path of discovery which clearly illuminated the chasm between truth and the government approved appearance of truth: In 1977 Ruppert claims to have discovered a major drug trafficking operation run by the CIA. Ruppert filed a statement with the CIA and famously made a publicly televised challenge the Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch. Deutch responded by agreeing to investigate and address the issue earnestly. This promise, in Ruppert's mind, was not honored as nothing was done to identify and punish those who ran the operation. Moreover, nothing was done to cease the drug trafficking operations.
From this experience the audience can understand the evolution from Ruppert's youthful idealist belief in justice toward his lifelong passion for exposing the hidden "truths" that are conveniently hidden from public consumption. (Complicit in this deception, Ruppert argues, is a lazy and uninterested mainstream media.)
Those who have neither read Ruppert's books, viewed his blog, or seen him speak will be riveted as he breaks down the imminent perils of peak oil, the fraud of fiat currency, the quiet revolutions taking place with no media coverage, the corporate and government corruption run a muck, the need for sustainability, and, thankfully, the importance of happiness, joy, and smiles in one's life.
Poignant moments of the film:
During a fascinating scene in the film, one which should not be overlooked, Ruppert himself betrays some his own words. Moments after coldly declaring that his only intent is to protect himself from what he later describes as an avoidable "holocaust", he becomes emotionally overwhelmed and asks for a cut in taping while he attempts (in vain) to recover his emotions and hold back tears. Those tears, of course, appear and one can immediately see that the man who seems to be so removed from the the deadly consequences that face the entire human race is, indeed, not completely calloused to the thought of inevitable human suffering.
Later in the film, when challenged by an off-camera voice to explain why he continues to speak up to this day, Ruppert proudly boasts that as a man of principle he could not walk away and silently ignore government crimes. The implication is that the beneficiaries of Ruppert's activism are his fellow citizens.
Another moment in the film sees Ruppert pausing for a moment when weighing a thought that seems to evolve and fully germinate in front of the camera. Discussing President Obama, Ruppert makes the assertion that the President has neither the level of executive control nor power-broker support to make the type of changes that could halt crises of peak oil, fiat currency, et al. In other words, those who are blindly waiting for President Obama to fix the worlds ills are going to be extremely underwhelmed with the results.
Conspiracy and Paranoia:
My late father once told me during my most fervent period of Patriotic Idealism (middle through late teens) that many of the people who are classified today by the media as "crazy" or "paranoid" will someday be proven right (at which time the media will offer no update or correction to their previous claims). Sadly, at the time he spoke those words I did not understand my father's wisdom. Since that day I've noticed the lies, deception, and corruption perpetrated by our government (and all governments) as well as from the entrenched wealthy elite. Yes, Ruppert is one of those voices to whom my father was referring.
Everyone you love should see this film. (Everyone whom you do not love should also see it ... but lets be real.) This is a powerful voice of a debate that needs to take place, in public, beyond the limitations of the "conservative/liberal/right/left/red state/blue state" paradigm. We would all do ourselves justice by listening to his words and preparing ... if only for the sake of our children.
NOTE: I originally purchased this video from a company that shall go unnamed but features an iconic representation of a widely cultivated perennial deciduous tree-grown fruit that perhaps did or did not help Newton better understand the principle of gravity. However, I have pre-ordered the DVD from Amazon.
NOTE II: According to the closing credits in the film, Ruppert's book has not sold well and he is facing eviction from his home in Culver City. If you are interested in his ideas you may want to consider buying a NEW copy of his book. Surely he'll appreciate the royalties.Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World

This movie creates a new genre in film: "the economic horror flick"
Only sombody with the street cred of a Mike Rupert could create such a masterpiece movie
that tells the true stort about how banksters wave looted this world and set up 6 billion of us
to take the fall when we run out of oil and in turn food.
This film made me redouble my efforts to move to a rural location learn how to grow most of my own food
withot a drop of oil raise livestock and convert my wealth into wind, solar, and wood power.
I'm a wall street economist for a living 31 years now and can tell you this movie is spot on what will happen to america soon
It fueled my fear to prepare my life now while collapse planning is still possible.
If it does not scare the bejesus out of you, check your pulse.
Collapse is comming and survivial favors the prepared mind.


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